1 Autoev — Electric Vehicle Charging EV Dealer Website Template
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Our Vehicles

Leading the Charge in Sustainable Innovation and Unmatched Driving Excellence.

Zero Emissions Lower Costs Instant Torque Regenerative Braking Quiet Operation Advanced Technology Longer Range Charging Flexibility Environmental Benefits Variety of Models
100 KM
70 Km/h
Top Speed
3000 Watt
Motor Power

Autoev R100

Ride the Future: Silent, Smooth, Electric

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130 KM
100 Km/h
Top Speed
3500 Watt
Motor Power

NewAutoev R200

Redefining Motorcycle Performance.

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150 KM
120 Km/h
Top Speed
4000 Watt
Motor Power

Autoev R300

Where Sustainability Meets Adventure.

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Spark Change

Advanced Features


Electric Drive

Sunt dolor aliquip consectetur laborum incididunt tempor irure veniam amet et nostrud.


Silent Power

Sunt dolor aliquip consectetur laborum incididunt tempor irure veniam amet et nostrud.


Zero Emissions

Sunt dolor aliquip consectetur laborum incididunt tempor irure veniam amet et nostrud.


Longer Range

Sunt dolor aliquip consectetur laborum incididunt tempor irure veniam amet et nostrud.

Drive Electric

For a Cleaner, and Brighter Future

Why choose electric vehicles

  1. Magna aliquip nulla fugiat esse occaecat occaecat sunt non.
  2. Fugiat amet dolore elit irure in ad ad voluptate nostrud.
  3. Cupidatat magna mollit incididunt culpa cillum non.
  4. Fugiat amet dolore elit irure in ad ad voluptate nostrud.

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